This is the story of a small Marseilles football club on the verge of extinction that ends up in an amateur tournament organised during the World Cup...
It is the whole story of his childhood that Patrick Bosso delivers to us for his second show. The first vacations in the mountains and his first star...
On a hospital bed, Marcello is plunged into a deep coma. His guardian angel asks the angel in charge of bringing him back to the afterlife to extend...
Faced with the insistence of his brother Joseph, whom he has not seen for 25 years, Paolo resolves to give up his calm and harmonious life in Canada,...
Faced with the insistence of his brother Joseph, whom he has not seen for 25 years, Paolo resolves to give up his calm and harmonious life in Canada,...
Faced with the insistence of his brother Joseph, whom he has not seen for 25 years, Paolo resolves to give up his calm and harmonious life in Canada,...
Faced with the insistence of his brother Joseph, whom he has not seen for 25 years, Paolo resolves to give up his calm and harmonious life in Canada,...
For the first time, 4 of the greatest champions of TV games are gathered on the same board. Together they form the Club des Invincibles. In front of...