The story revolves around 3 soldiers who are on the outskirts of a war torn city. They are patrolling an area when a bomb is accidentally set off and...
Traces a pivotal 24 hours in the life of its eponymous character, a headteacher of a last-chance reform school who struggles to keep his students in...
Two Dubs, Sean and Ger, get wind of the proverbial pot of gold and what should be a straight-forward job becomes a fiasco. But, there's an old Irish...
In Dublin, two couples (Jim and Danielle; Yvonne and Chris) are seemingly living in marital bliss. However, when Chris's behaviour begins to change,...
An animated adaptation of Nikolai Gogol's classic short story about an office worker who saves all his money to buy a new coat in time for Christmas,...
The Fire Rises: The Creation and Impact of The Dark Knight Trilogy
This feature-length documentary delves into the trilogy, opening with the inspiration and vision for the new Batman films and inching its way toward...
550 artists were interviewed over ten years. At some point during those interviews, they were asked a question and told to answer with one word only....
Traces a pivotal 24 hours in the life of its eponymous character, a headteacher of a last-chance reform school who struggles to keep his students in...
Trailers that tell you the TRUTH about your favorite movies and TV shows: Honest Trailers. These are the hilarious trailers the producers don't want...
A timely antidote for our modern lives, this revolutionary series takes audiences on an immersive audiovisual journey designed to help you relax and...