The story of 15th century Prince Vladimir who curses God following the death of his beloved wife and is turned into a vampire. Later, in 19th century...
We are in the mid-60s, when a very young Mariele Ventre gave birth to the very first formation of the Piccolo Coro, originally composed of only eight...
While reporting on the election of the Pope in Rome, the completely atheistic journalist Gregory falls in love with Maria of all people, who is about...
A patch is something commonly used to cover a hole in a dress. Valerio Lundini is a Roman surrealist comedian, who is called every night to replace a...
A fresh look at the life and legacy of the iconic artist Leonardo da Vinci, positing that he was a gay outsider who used his work as a way of hiding...
The Sanremo Music Festival is the most popular Italian song contest and awards, held annually in the town of Sanremo, Imperia, Italy, and consisting...
Diana is a double agent for Citadel, who infiltrated Manticore, the rival agency that destroyed Citadel eight years ago. Trapped behind enemy lines,...
Welcome behind the scenes of Italian show business from the point of view of those in charge of managing the careers - and lives - of the stars: the...