Toron, a young tyrannosaurus boy, is carried off downstream and loses his memory. While making his way back home, he discovers new friends and finds...
Yoji and Kei, a boy and girl, live in a town in the not-so-distant future with their foster parent, Anna. But these seemingly ordinary children have...
Angels and demons had fought over a long time to see who reign supreme. In order to bring closure to this feud. An Angel name Sera and a demon named...
Seduction and sexuality seem to be in the air, water, or both at the school Joshikousei no Koshitsuki. The institute's beach volleyball coach got the...
On the recommendation of her father's friend, Takagi Atsuko takes up a teaching position at Nansui Academy. One day, pictures taken by a peeping tom...
Prince Lloyd wasn't always a fact, his previous life is one he remembers perfectly: he was a sorcerer, of sorts. So when he was forced to...