In an abandoned prison, a doctor has revived executed convicts as the living dead. Teenager, Jonathan creates a laser gun from a videodisc player and...
An 11-year old phenom wrestler with an undefeated record, Kace Gabriel gives up the sport to write/direct a movie. He believes that if the film makes...
After a series of brutal, unexplained murders in a remote forest, a rogue military unit is recruited to hunt for whoever - or whatever - has rendered...
A family living in an isolated cabin in the woods are terrorized by a gang of escaped convicts. Their leader, a serial killer, is a disturbed Vietnam...
Ginger is back!! In her exultant return to adult entertainment, Ginger Lynn sizzles as Clarisse Bijou, soap star extrordinnaire. On a fateful trip to...
It all starts when Justine Jones accidentally summons two sexual demons to earth. As the two succubi embark on a sexual rampage, Justine is recruited...