A veteran popular singer comes to town with her daughter in order to achieve success in television. She introduces her daughter to a contest winning...
Pili and uncle Angel travel to Mexico to see Mili dancing at her debut in a theater in the capital. When Mili finds out the bad economic situation of...
A very humble boy longs conditions make their first communion, but circumstances do not allow it until, after a tragic accident, Paco Malgesto and a...
Cantinflas, a traveling photographer, is captured by some gangsters while trying to get some flowers for his girlfriend. The gangsters have confused...
Cantinflas and three friends return a stolen necklace to an actress who invites them to be extras at Clasa studios. While on the set, he falls asleep...
An American soldier (Keaton) during World War II escapes from an airplane crash over the Pacific Ocean. He arrives on a beach believing he has landed...
When an old house is about to be demolished to make room for a new radio station the famous ghosts which resides in the house start a revolt to alter...
Three boys and three girls. First all the boys are fighting over one of the girls, then all the boys are fighting over another of the girls and yadda...
Cantinflas is a private in the military, who doesn't know anything about discipline or following rules. He only wants to think about his girlfriend,...