A desperate love story between two young girls of extremely different social backgrounds who, unable to find a place for their love in the world they...
In 17th century Spain Diego Alatriste, a brave and heroic soldier, is fighting in his King's army in the Flandes region. His best mate, Balboa, falls...
Residents of an enclosed neighborhood in the middle of Mexico DF are shocked by a violent crime, and for one resident in particular, young Alejandro,...
A real estate agent from Paris arrives in Los Angeles to settle his late mother's estate, but a found photograph sends him on an impromptu journey to...
Ramon, a twelve year old visit a bicycle shop to fix a puncture. There he meets an old man named Mario, a former amateur cyclist, and was fascinated...
Manuel is preparing his next show, a musical about making a musical show. He seeks the help of Sara his ex-wife and renowned choreographer to direct....
Mexico City. 2002, 2006, 2010. A cop. A hostage. A wife. Corruption, violence, vengeance. Three destinies, during 30 days, during three Soccer World...
Film director Mikel de Garay and the attractive young producer Andrea Bilbao, who hide an obscure past, are going to make a film based on the latest...
Seville, Spain. Juan Santos, a convicted petty criminal, gets out of jail for a day to celebrate with Triana, his wife, the first communion of their...
Rafa's hooked on the pure, fiery feelings he gets from speed racing, but when his kid's mom gets mixed up with drug dealers, he burns rubber to save...
The multigenerational epic follows two concurrent time periods: One, the story of young Eli McCullough after he is kidnapped and indoctrinated into a...