The story of the friendship between Ioan and Michele respectively Romanian and Italian. The serendipitous encounter of two worlds apart: the travails...
Friends Aldo, Giovanni, and Giacomo travel from north to south for Giacomo's wedding, carrying a precious item: the father of the bride, a tyrannical...
After receiving a large sum of money on his bank account by mistake, a small-town thirtysomething dissatisfied with his life sees the opportunity of...
Adelaide is a 40-year-old literature teacher married with children. One day, she learns about the murder of a wealthy and arrogant co-worker of hers,...
Anna and Piero fighting routine of a long marriage, when Piero loses his memory, Anna reconstructs his way. For its part, the concierge Rocco and his...
A ne'er-do-well who's married to a millionnaire realizes his financial trouble might be solved if his wife was dead - and sets out a plot to achieve...
"Piazza Garibaldi" is a name found in almost any Italian town. It is a metaphor for the nation and its history. Like in the successful, award-winning...
Giacomo is a 40-year-old man who works for a big company in Milan. To avoid working on weekends, he lies about having a girlfriend whose character he...
Adelaide is a 40-year-old literature teacher married with children. One day, she learns about the murder of a wealthy and arrogant co-worker of hers,...
The Sanremo Music Festival is the most popular Italian song contest and awards, held annually in the town of Sanremo, Imperia, Italy, and consisting...
Fuoriclasse is an Italian television series, directed by Riccardo Donna, filmed in 2011, starring Luciana Littizzetto, based on the books by Domenico...