The docufilm tells the story of Paolo Villaggio's genius through the most iconic Italian character, accountant Ugo Fantozzi. The work was featured in...
Elena is a beautiful, 35-year-old accomplished woman who has an unhealthy obsession with perfection. Elena's well-ordered life is thrown into chaos,...
The moving life and international career of actress Valentina Cortese is acted out by eight Italian actresses who interpret parts of her biography. A...
Antonio is seventeen years old and has a dream: to be a footballer in a great team. He lives in a small village in the province of Campania, a place...
A team of small-time Italian thieves who manage to deceive top-level security to steal millions of dollars' worth of precious stones from the Antwerp...
A patch is something commonly used to cover a hole in a dress. Valerio Lundini is a Roman surrealist comedian, who is called every night to replace a...
The Sanremo Music Festival is the most popular Italian song contest and awards, held annually in the town of Sanremo, Imperia, Italy, and consisting...