This film depicts a series of landmark events in the life of hapless thespian Antonio Hutter (Alessandro Haber), the unfortunate fictional alter-ego...
Jimi, a computer game designer, finds that his latest product has been infected by a virus which has given consciousness to the main character of the...
While playing outside one day, nine-year-old Michele discovers Filippo, who is chained to the ground at the bottom of a hole. Michele witnesses town...
Antonio is a man born with unusually large incisors; his freakishly huge teeth made him an outcast as a child and as man he has become obsessive and...
Antonio is a man born with unusually large incisors; his freakishly huge teeth made him an outcast as a child and as man he has become obsessive and...
Greek Sea, World War II. An Italian ship leaves a handful of soldiers in a little island; their mission is to spot enemy ships and to hold the island...
A group of comedians are trying to be successful on stage. One night an important television network organises a public variety show to sort out some...
A group of comedians are trying to be successful on stage. One night an important television network organises a public variety show to sort out some...
Six aspiring comedians tired of the mediocrity of their lives, at the end of an evening stand-up course they prepare to face their first performance...
Targeted by a dirty cop after witnessing a murder, bank clerk Mario flees to Puerto Escondido, Mexico, where a couple of oddball Italian expats drags...
A group of comedians are trying to be successful on stage. One night an important television network organises a public variety show to sort out some...
Targeted by a dirty cop after witnessing a murder, bank clerk Mario flees to Puerto Escondido, Mexico, where a couple of oddball Italian expats drags...
Jimi, a computer game designer, finds that his latest product has been infected by a virus which has given consciousness to the main character of the...
Three years later Michele (The Invisible boy) meets his mother and his twin sister. Both have stories and superpowers but their intentions may not be...
Six aspiring comedians tired of the mediocrity of their lives, at the end of an evening stand-up course they prepare to face their first performance...
Six aspiring comedians tired of the mediocrity of their lives, at the end of an evening stand-up course they prepare to face their first performance...