When successful 80s nightclub manager Tony Towers boards a magical train at Christmas, he discovers that each carriage harbours a different stage of...
Coronation Street: Out of Africa is a 2008 spin-off film featuring locals from the British soap opera Coronation Street, who visit the luxury resort...
Jade is a young mother in the prime of her life when an acid attack leaves her severely burned. While her face has been reconstructed, her beauty is...
Clumsy romantic Sunny is infatuated with glitzy but deadbeat, Francophile bingo-caller Pauline Dupondt and forgets the important things in life, like...
Mr. Selfridge recounts the real life story of the flamboyant and visionary American founder of Selfridge's, London's lavish department store. Set in...
Ruby is a popular addition to the workforce in a West Country call centre, but puts other people's problems above her own and definitely above making...
Halifax, West Yorkshire, England, 1832. Anne Lister attempts to revitalize her inherited home, Shibden Hall. Most notably for the time period, a part...