One country. Four directors. Six comedy-dramas. Each of them works as a separate story, together they form a coherent whole. All of them are based on...
In a world where Augmented Reality has taken over every aspect of human life, there is a very tempting vision of a return to a technology-free world....
December, 1981. Marianna, a zealous Catholic, decides to use the family celebration - the baptism of the youngest grandson, to reconcile her children...
Pola is at the peak of popularity - at the age of only 22, she fills the halls at her concerts and is very successful in the music industry. One day,...
A seemingly ordinary girl finds her way into the eponymous Academy to explore the world of fairy tales, imagination and creativity. With the help of...
Boris "Kos" Kosinski (Eryk Lubos) is a top MMA fighter. In the biggest battle of his life with his greatest rival, Denim Takaev (Mamed Khalidov), he...
Karol, talented 25-year old, makes money in the family company and leads his own prospecting buisness. When his father, a flying instructor, crashes...
Adam Kruk, a 40 year old police officer addicted to painkillers and psychotropic drugs, returns to the town he grew up in to find the paedophile who...