Alex is a charming adventurer who substitutes for a contestant shaman who dropped out at the shooting of a high-rated television show, popular among...
Mitya Neverovsky is a descendant of the famous Lieutenant General Dmitry Neverovsky. However, for his parents, Mitya is a complete headache. He does...
Most popular video bloggers were gathered to taste a new energy soft-drink in a mansion, which turns out to be a trap. To escape, they have to answer...
A rather unlucky young theater director finds himself without work and means of subsistence. To somehow make ends meet, on the advice of a friend, he...
Minsk, August 2020. Pasha and Yulia, a young married couple, leave the house at night and find themselves in the midst of peaceful protests. Everyday...
Vika is a talented designer but after her father's death, her life crumbles apart. She will only find hope in a famous fashion house immerse in chaos...
In the story, Russian gymnastics champion Nastya quits her favorite sport due to a conflict with her coach. Unable to imagine life without victories,...
Captain Emelin, nicknamed Emelya, Captain Vasin and Dolbunov are investigating the most complicated crimes, and criminologist Masha Likhacheva helps...