Aissa, a young officer of Algerian origin, tragically loses his life during a fresher initiation ritual at the prestigious French military academy of...
During the first euphoric years following independence, two friends, Djaffar and Hamid, are promised a bright future in a free Algeria until one day...
Ridden by guilt for not being able to have a child, wife decides to conceive by cloning. The daughter she gives birth to is therefor almost identical...
After a shoplifter finds herself unexpectedly released on parole, she pays a call on the judge at her flat. The judge, Carole Rewinsky, does not tell...
Erwan, a strapping Breton who clears mines for a living, is shaken when he discovers that his father is not his father. Despite his affection for the...
Alex is a liberated, apparently sturdy yet vulnerable woman in her thirties. She earns her living as a market trader and with building work - she has...
Paris, 1993. Selma, 17, lives in a bourgeois and secular Berber family. When she meets and is strongly attracted to Julien, a dashing young man, she...
Today, immense confusion reigns over the quest for the absolute, revolt and fury, violence and its appendages. And many people plunge back in Albert...
Anna happily lives with her husband, their two boys, and Simon, 6 years-old, who was placed with her by the Social Care services when he was only 18...
Jacqueline Gozlan - who left Algeria with her parents in 1961 - nostalgically retraces the history of the Algiers Cinematheque, inseparable from that...
Hired by a woman who thinks her husband cheated on her, a fumbling crook has to kidnap and punish the mistress in question. With one of his friends,...
During the first euphoric years following independence, two friends, Djaffar and Hamid, are promised a bright future in a free Algeria until one day...
During the first euphoric years following independence, two friends, Djaffar and Hamid, are promised a bright future in a free Algeria until one day...
Duncan MacLeod cannot die -- he is a 400-year-old immortal, who has seen his share of humanity's history. Still, he risks his life in battle against...