Ben and his girlfriend are catapulted into a bizarre, small town funeral for his uncle, Randy Todd. At the service, Ben is thrown to the wolves when...
Billy, a single mother of two, is led into a macabre underworld while her teenage son, Bones, discovers a secret road leading to an underwater town....
Jimmy Morris has a special surprise guest on his podcast, The Film Dick. It's Chester Holloway who reveals all the secrets behind the mysterious 1939...
In a distant future, a cult forms around the Manson Family, when Charles Manson is mistaken for the messiah. Meanwhile, in 1969, Manson convinces his...
Patrick Jane, a former celebrity psychic medium, uses his razor sharp skills of observation and expertise at "reading" people to solve serious crimes...
Lone-wolf detective Angie Tribeca and a squad of committed LAPD detectives investigate the most serious cases, from the murder of a ventriloquist to...