Trouble starts when Lars, a 25-year-old with few prospects for the future, discovers that an older man is fooling around with the teenage boys in his...
Jarle Klepp is a 25-year-old student of literature with a passion for Adorno, Proust and grown-up women - and definitely not Tamagotchis, Lady Di and...
A group of six tourists looking to go off the beaten path, hire an 'extreme tour guide' who, ignoring warnings, takes them into the city of Pripyat,...
The troubled artist Gritt is struggling for relevance and belonging in an unwelcoming society, but then she undergoes a radicalization process in the...
"Hellfjord" is the story of the urban police officer Salmander - second generation Pakistani immigrant - who, after somewhat accidentally killing his...
A heat wave hits a holiday-quiet Oslo. In an apartment by the cemetery, small black lumps begin to drip through the floor. At the same time - police...