Robert Talbot, an American millionaire, arrives early for his annual vacation at his luxurious Italian villa. His long-time girlfriend Lisa has given...
The second of the seven "Doctor" films, based on Richard Gordon's novels and released between 1954 and 1970. A bachelor doctor goes to sea to escape...
A RAF airfield in Burma in 1945, during World War II. Canadian bomber pilot Bill Forrester is a bitter man who lives haunted by a tragic past. He has...
A group of men from a London pub are going on a darts team outing to Boulogne. Various members of the party have different reasons for going and get...
The story of the conception of a new British weapon for smashing the German dams in the Ruhr industrial complex and the execution of the raid by 617...
Anne Maitland, a female lawyer, receives an unexpected late-night visit from ex-boyfriend Guy Ransome. She agrees to let him sleep on the sofa but he...
Three women staying at a remote Welsh inn toss coins into a well wishing to improve their miserable lives. Along comes postman Evans (who also wrote...