The intense thriller follows two homeless siblings who turn to the criminal world to survive. Their new life lives take a radical turn when the goods...
Five men break into Frank Wagner's apartment. Frank is able to escape and seeks out the help of Johan Falk. Has someone leaked that Frank is working...
Several friends travel to Sweden to study as anthropologists a summer festival that is held every ninety years in the remote hometown of one of them....
A car explodes in front of a primary school where GSI boss Patrick Agrell has just left his children. The event reunites Johan Falk with Leo Gaut, a...
Doobidoo is a Swedish musical game show first aired in 2005 on the public service network SVT. There is also a Polish, TVP2, version called Dubidu -...
Viveca Stens popular novels come to life in "The Sandhamn Murders", a perfect mix of Nordic crime & the beautiful surroundings of the outer Stockholm...
The year is 1975, and the West German embassy in Stockholm is occupied by German terrorists. It's an attack not only on the embassy, but on Sweden's...
Wallander is a Swedish television series adapted from Henning Mankell's Kurt Wallander novels and starring Krister Henriksson in the title role. The...