During a brief stay in Florence, Camille believes she's victim of an enormous flood. Urgently taken to a psychiatric hospital, she is diagnosed with...
In a style evocative of Fellini at his most surreal, this bizarre French Canadian fantasy follows the romance between a young filmmaker and a bearded...
Pauline goes on trip and never returns. Did she deliberately vanish, or did she just abandon her life, or is this an invitation for someone to start...
Walid works in a grocery store thanks to an integration program. After a difficult day where clients have argued and his boss yelled at him, he tries...
Police detective Jacques Laniel's life becomes a nightmare the day drive-by shootists gun down his partner Thomas Colin. His colleagues make matters...
Public figures from different backgrounds meet each week. At first glance, these guests would seem to have little in common. However, something does...
What to expect: interviews, musical performances, a fierce band, surprising stories and most of all, guests who are more than happy to play along and...
Ariane Beaumont, a promising young family law practitioner devotes her life to protect children. When professional issues force her to start her own...
This daily quiz show puts strategy front and centre, as five celebrities answer general-knowledge questions to win money for their favourite charity....
Two bourgeois-bohemians struggle to stay on the cutting edge of trends and fashion while never sacrificing a single ounce of comfort, style or social...
Fermont: A remote mining colony in the endless frozen hell that is Canada's far North. The body of a young exotic dancer is found and the Quebec City...