A summer trip to Berlin offers a fleeting glimpse into the lives of the country's youth in this vibrant, character-driven drama from director Martin...
Sophie, a successful publishing editor in her mid-30s, is happy enough to be single. But deep down she'd love to have her own family. Then she meets...
The story follows the mysterious and sinister disappearance of a quantum physicist who is involved in a ground-breaking scientific discovery at CERN...
Ida must transfer to a new school, where she soon realizes the students are unkind to each other. However, that all changes when a new teacher, Miss...
Danni Lowinski is a former hairdresser who has graduated in law. When she does not get a job at a law firm, she starts to give legal advice from the...
Murder, Venice, relationships...it's a delicious concoction in the hands of crime novelist Donna Leon. Venice provides the backdrop for the lush film...
A hiker is found dead in a remote forest that is popularly known as the "Murder Hole". Opposite the victim is a melting snowman with one eye missing....
SOKO 5113 is a long-running German police procedural television series. It was first aired in 1978 on 2 January. SOKO is an abbreviation of the term...
The corpse of a fruit farmer is found in a meadow orchard. It was buried upside down, draped like a scarecrow. The spectacular staging of the murder...