Gabriel is a filmmaker in Mexico City, where he is a victim of crime and violence sometimes even three times a day. This is a black comedy that shows...
Marina wins a paradise vacation for two, but when she realizes that she has no one to bring along, she decides to invite a stranger named Victor. The...
Tad accidentally unleashes an ancient spell, endangering the lives of his friends Mummy, Jeff, and Belzoni. With everyone against him and only helped...
Lucio and Martina used to share an indescribable chemistry during their highschool years, however, they took separate ways. 25 years later they meet...
Mateo is an intelligent boy who falls in love with Daniel, but when everyone reveals that relationship, Mateo is at a crossroads, and he will have to...
A group of longtime friends get together for dinner. When they decide to share the content of every text message, email, and phone call they receive,...
Jose learns that Nora, the woman he was married to for 30 years and from whom divorced, has committed suicide. The rabbi explains Joseph that due to...
Santos, a fighter finished pacheco overweight and suffers from his recent divorce with Busty Mendoza, a voluptuous and wild woman fighter. To get out...
Four people traveling in a van run over a lone woman while she is walking in the dark down a country road. After loading her into the vehicle to take...
Alan Shore and Denny Crane lead a brigade of high-priced civil litigators in an upscale Boston law firm in a series focusing on the professional and...