The story centers on a crocodile living a normal life, unaware that he is due to die in 100 days. The crocodile spends ordinary days with his animal...
Koshiro Matsudaira lives in Tanjousan Bun in Echigo as a commoner and surrounded by people that love him, including his father Sakubei, who works for...
Mysteries are revealed like the words "Simple Plan," "Third Secret of Fatima" and also the mysterious white man which are all mentioned in the movie...
Mysteries are revealed like the words "Simple Plan," "Third Secret of Fatima" and also the mysterious white man which are all mentioned in the movie...
High school student Asako moves all of her belongings to the refuse area of her apartment complex and stops attending school. Kazuyoshi, a precocious...
Five different directors adapt the works of Japanese author Otsuichi in this collection of unconventional live-action and animated shorts. A woman is...
The time spent between professional Shogi player Kiriyama and his three stories helps to heal his wounds. As he prepares to secure another win in an...
Shinichiro Kiyama is completely alone in the world. One day, he realizes he possesses "Fortuna's Eye", an ability through which people whose death is...
Mary Smith, a young girl who lives with her great-aunt in the countryside, follows a mysterious cat into the nearby forest where she finds a strange...
Set one year after the fight between detectives Saya Toma, Takeru Sebumi, and Satoshi Chii. More confrontations ensues between the detectives at the...
The summer of his high school freshman year, Hodaka runs away from his remote island home to Tokyo, and quickly finds himself pushed to his financial...
Sophie, a young milliner, is turned into an elderly woman by a witch who enters her shop and curses her. She encounters a wizard named Howl and gets...
The short film is about a boy who lives and works on a farm. One day when going to sell vegetables at a market, his cart breaks down. Two strangers,...
One fine day, Ryunosuke Kamiki suddenly kidnaps Takeru Satoh to take him on a healing trip. From Ryu-chan's zero plans on what to do on the trips, to...
The story of Makino Mantaro (Kamiki Ryunosuke), a botanist who ran through the Meiji era (1868-1912) in full bloom, begins. Born the heir to the Tosa...
Kurosawa, who works for a film production company, meets Akiko, a divorcee and single mother, who works at a publishing house. Through the efforts of...
After participating to a previous show where they have to bet or be challenged to any kind of competitions, the losing members of the Gaki no Tsukai...
A sexy renegade male chauvinist rock singer by day, a bossed around, lousy dressed and demurring husband by night.
Yuichi, the handsome, sexy, and a...
A story that begins when a husband, who lost his beloved wife ten years ago and lost the meaning of life, and his daughter are unexpectedly reunited...
Yukimasa Yugami is a detective who chases after facts in cases. He will resort to illegal investigations and he uses his unique reasoning powers. His...
Kazuo (Otoo Takuma), a young man who has been in love with an anime character for 21 years, finally succeeds in getting a date with Arisa (Takahashi...
The city is filled with countless urban legends. Strange incidents that occur in the midst of these legends lead people into a labyrinth... It is the...
Heita Tomishima is a very conscientious but awkward young man at a mid-sized construction company. He loves working on-site, but one day is suddenly...
Kanda Fuyuki is a world-famous pianist who has been keeping his life busy after his wife's death. One day, Fuyuki meets an unsold cat, Fukumaru, at a...
The 39th NHK Taiga Drama is Aoi Tokugawa Sandai. It is James Miki's dynamic and colorful tale of three generations of the Tokugawa dynasty--from its...