While Saint Petersburg is shocked by the series of mysterious suicides, Egor is about to move to Moscow to leave the past behind and start over. His...
18-year-old school graduate Sasha is indecisive to choose painting as his profession. He does not want to let down his mother, who wants him to make...
The story that tells about a loving couple of police officers of the patrol service. Once on duty, she learns that he cheated on her. This discovery...
This city is no longer on the map. In the 30-40s of the twentieth century, during the construction of the Rybinsk reservoir, seven hundred villages,...
A messenger of the special delivery service does their usual job: delivers orders to people's houses. It'd be an ordinary story, if it wasn't for the...
St. Petersburg streets. Cloudy day. The inflamed consciousness. The feeling of an invisible presence of somebody behind you. Who you want to be. your...