Police Inspector Mikhail is investigating the murder of a young woman whose body was discovered in a forest. As the body was mutilated, the victim's...
Black comedy about the routine of a large corporation, producing chocolate bars. The claustrophobic office space and its dwellers are part of a funny...
Two men start courting the girl Nadia. Being excellent storytellers, they do everything to please her. They are completely different: one is a simple...
The hero of the film is senior police commissioner Kuzmin. The plot is based on the robbery of a savings bank, an attack on a woman with the theft of...
This city is no longer on the map. In the 30-40s of the twentieth century, during the construction of the Rybinsk reservoir, seven hundred villages,...
Ordinary family, new house in desolated place. Criminals with guns and only requirement - to help them to free their leader Khazar, whose case he is...
Folk wisdom says "in love, as in war, all means are good". But what if a man decides to cheat for the sake of the happiness of his beloved girl? Will...