Drawing influence from the street musicians of Miyagi, four high school students form a band and spend their free time practicing for their school's...
Daikichi learns that his recently deceased grandfather has an illegitimate daughter with an unknown mother. The girl's name is Rin and she is just 6...
By the year 2050 AD, a mysterious organization called Galactor has occupied half of the Earth and threatens to exterminate the human race. Around the...
Beautiful Noriko Miki works at a cosmetic company. One day, Noriko is murdered. People begin to suspect her co-worker Miki Shirono might have killed...
A strange phenomenon takes place. A beautiful flower blooms on a selected woman's body and that flower is called the "Shanidar". When the Shanidar is...
Ushijima runs Kaukau Fiance, a black market lending agency which scourges its clients with interest rates as high as 50% for 10 days. Ushijima chases...
Naoko meets Yusuke while staying on an island for medical treatment. Yusuke's graceful athletic figure captivates her eyes and she falls in love with...
Miyata lost his wife early on and single-handedly raised their two children. One day he notices a change in his physical condition, and decides that...
A young girl named Sumire disappeared 5 years ago after being assaulted by a suspicious photographer Midorikawa in the forest, leaving behind only a...
Set in 1995. A helicopter, operated remotely, is hovering in the sky over a nuclear power plant. The power company, prefectural government and media...
Mari lives a comfortable life as a single woman. She has a nice job at a company and resides in an apartment in the suburbs of Tokyo. A couple lives...
Ajin is a live-action adaptation of a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Gamon Sakurai. Kei Nagai dies in a car accident, but realises...
Sawamura, a contract part-timer dragged into a multi-million yen internet business, and Kamo, an office worker who lavished money on a beautiful club...
Kengo was gifted in Kendo (Japanese martial art) but he quits after a tragic incident. He works as a security guard and spends his days drinking. One...
Junoshin Kake is a ronin. To get hired by the Kurokaze Han, he lies and tells them that a religious group is trying to destroy them. He gets hired by...
A new female detective joins the special investigations team and dives into some of their hardest cases in this follow-up to the series 'Unfair.' The...
Three patients of different backgrounds, illnesses and stages are being treated at a psychiatric clinic in Nagano Prefecture. Their cases range from...
A homeless man meets a medical school student who pays him to volunteer for a surgical procedure known as trepanation, drilling a hole in his skull,...
Mockumentary drama series is about popular actor Takayuki Yamada, who follows the events from the manga "Tokyo-to Kita-ku Akabane" while searchig for...
A monster was created from an incident that took place 100 years ago. He possesses super physical ability and can live forever. He yearns for humans...
Kishi Minetaro is a skilled and serious-minded plastic surgeon. He looks down on doctors earning money through cosmetic surgeries as well as on women...
The Mobile Investigative Unit (known as "MIU") of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department attempts to solve cases within 24 hours. Detective Kazumi...