One of the most favorite Soviet comedies, a screen version of the play of the same name by Vladimir Gurkin. Each of us knows the story of Vasily, who...
In the 23rd century, a reconnaissance craft discovers an unknown destroyed spaceship in deep recesses of space. The crew discovers the sole survivor...
Vera Golubeva, a textile worker, lives in a hostel. In her spare time, she arranges the fate of her friends. Although the class is disinterested and...
After a strange incident, a group of russian space commandos starts developing supernatural powers. But how did they acquire such abilities and what...
Pavel's mother hates his fiancee. When Pavel serves in the Army she writes him that Nastya is no longer faithful to him. Pavel decides not to return...
Every year on the eve of May 9, a lonely nursing home resident tries to find one of his friends. He lives in the past until one day it overtakes him...
Criminal Investigation Officer Sergei Voronin takes his position by vocation. He created a club of young friends of the police, in which the guys go...
Moscow mid-XIX century. Middle-aged provincial businessman Savva Gennadievich Vasilkov falls in love with local beauty Lidiya Yuryevna Cheboksarova....
Fighter Max Kholodov nicknamed Bull Terrier is a mixed martial arts star. After a serious injury in the ring, his life goes downhill: the road to the...
MOORE's investigator, Colonel Alexander Khlystov, receives an old photograph in the mail: it shows Yesenin, who has just been taken out of the loop....