Christmas is-a-jingling to Lapland in 1984. Niina, a single mother, is fired from her job in a bakery and drifts into the middle of an international...
Everything is on track in the life of the beloved but eccentric surgeon Petteri Holopainen but when a patient close to him is rushed to the hospital,...
Taavi,the enigmatic 18-year-old lead, has just inherited his long-deceased wealthy parents home and estate. It is high school graduation and Taavi's...
The beloved actor Risto gets paralyzed - quadriplegiac - in a studio accident. The accident brings him massive financial compensation and a flood of...
Rousku and Raninen are fleeing their unemployment by setting up a construction company. Occupational illiteracy is not an obstacle and accounting is...
Akseli Koskela returns from prison and tries to learn living again. He's not allowed to take part in politics anymore, but he sees a lot of injustice...
Veteran police lieutenant Kontio will have to work closely with a new partner, a much younger female officer Parmas. Small Town Police Department of...
The C More original series Kotka 10 is an intimate drama about the rescuers of the Kotka central fire station, their exciting and dangerous tasks and...
When the employment office is haunted, performance targets troubles and indoor mold threatens, service manager Anneli Tiainen uses peculiar means in...