Clifton Webb as a strict, conservative father heads the cast of this 1959 comedy, about an American family vacationing in South America. Directed by...
Chronicles a few days in the life of Vic Reeves, a down-on-his-luck Los Angeles actor in his seventies. Haunted by memories of his former glory days...
A veteran street cop and his partner, a robot programmed to be the perfect policeman, are assigned to protect the five-year-old daughter of the widow...
Julio Iglesias, internationally famous spanish singer, ends his Europe-wide tour in Paris. Before setting off to perform in America, decides to take...
The story of various couples who get caught up in the personal and emotional crises of birth, adoption and hospitalization, and also of the hospital...
Le Saint Gregory est sans nul doute le plus select des palaces de San Francisco. En bon directeur adjoint, Peter McDermott est au petit soin avec ses...
The Evil Touch is an Australian-produced television series, originally broadcast in Australia in 1973. It was an anthology series where each episode...
Sword Of Justice is an American action-adventure television series that aired on NBC for one season during 1978 and 1979. The series was considered a...
The Finder of Lost Loves TV show was a 60 minute drama series on ABC about a private investigator who specialized in finding lost loves from the past...