When a mysterious force begins to disrupt their big summer fun, Noah and his friends team up with a retired police detective to embark on a monstrous...
Edward's father walked out on his family years ago. In the years since, his mother has become a fundamentalist Christian and fallen for the school's...
15-year-old Natalie, confused to begin with, finds out about her father's affair with one of his students. Refusing to simply stand by and watch her...
In this light-hearted fantasy, a talented young magician stumbles across an unusual ring and ends up in Camelot before King Arthur. It turns out the...
Sent to San Francisco to spend the summer with his aunt, teenager Mario Vandetti makes fast friends with a group of neighborhood kids and encouraged...
For the summer, troublemaker Freddie Egan is being sent to a camp-style juvenile detention center, while spoiled rich-kid Frederick Egan III is going...
A bartender wants rid of an obnoxious drunk but not until the drunk has left a decent tip. So the bartender tells the story of two mobster families,...
Getting By is an American sitcom that aired on ABC from March 5, 1993 until May 21, 1993, and on NBC from September 21, 1993 until June 18, 1994. The...