Meet Marble, a teenage girl known by all on the streets of Hong Kong as an arcade game wizard. Teamed up with her girl gang of four, Marble gets into...
Faced with the task of creating a film about first love for his producer Wong Kar-wai, Kot ruminates on his creative process, his rejected ideas, and...
Country: China Production Company: Angel Wings Entertainment Genre: Drama Director: Zhao Tian Yu Starring: Wen Zhang, Bai Bai He, Zhang Jing Chu, Guo...
Aggie is suffering a great pain after the death of her Grandmother. She has no one else so she moves in with her Godmother and her son, Louie. Aggie...
Zhou Heung Kong (Anthony Wong) runs the film projector in a Hong Kong cinema and staunchly embraces a left-wing viewpoint. Dedicated to his work, he...
Foreign - Tony is a wily, pessimistic scam artist who uses an ancient superstition to build a hilariously enterprising business. Lam is his sometime...
Concert held at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Center as a tribute to the late legend Leslie Cheung who had left us for nine years. A group...