The Ninjutsu Academy students return from summer break to hear that due to one of Komatsuda's mistakes, all their summer homework was mixed up. As a...
The Ninjutsu Academy students return from summer break to hear that due to one of Komatsuda's mistakes, all their summer homework was mixed up. As a...
Unreleased animated feature film directed by Ryutaro Nakamura (Serial Experiments Lain). The story is adapted from the children's book "Adventures of...
Two Shots adapts the extra chapter of the same name, while All or Nothing adapts Chapter 174 of the same name and a scene of the final chapter of the...
Getter Robo Go, also known as Venger Robo or Venger Robot Go outside of Japan, is a Japanese mecha anime and manga series created by Go Nagai and Ken...
A set of Japanese animated stories revolving around various sexual perversions. In one, a rich young heir wires his house with video cameras in order...