The movie is set during the last days of a foreign intervention against Soviet Russia. Police are searching everywhere for a Bolshevik named Brodsky...
Made for the Venice Film Festival's 70th anniversary, seventy filmmakers made a short film between 60 and 90 seconds long on their interpretation of...
Made for the Venice Film Festival's 70th anniversary, seventy filmmakers made a short film between 60 and 90 seconds long on their interpretation of...
Made for the Venice Film Festival's 70th anniversary, seventy filmmakers made a short film between 60 and 90 seconds long on their interpretation of...
Made for the Venice Film Festival's 70th anniversary, seventy filmmakers made a short film between 60 and 90 seconds long on their interpretation of...
Story of a Russian intelligence officer Nikolai Kuznetsov (known as lieutenant Paul Wilhelm Zibert) who worked in the capital of occupied by fascist...
Story of a Russian intelligence officer Nikolai Kuznetsov (known as lieutenant Paul Wilhelm Zibert) who worked in the capital of occupied by fascist...
Story of a Russian intelligence officer Nikolai Kuznetsov (known as lieutenant Paul Wilhelm Zibert) who worked in the capital of occupied by fascist...