Detailed interview with Michael Powell and Emeric Pressburger looking back at their long career as influential British film-makers and their unusual...
A pair of twin girls are separated when their parents divorce. They meet again by accident when they are both sent to the same Summer camp, and while...
In London's colourful but seedy Soho, Michael Morgan is working mending the road. He is unhappy, with little hope of finding happiness. Then he meets...
In London's colourful but seedy Soho, Michael Morgan is working mending the road. He is unhappy, with little hope of finding happiness. Then he meets...
During lunch break at the movie studio, the extras rush to the canteen Hans Adalbert Schlettow, Maria Paudler and Luis Trenker are chatting. Eva von...
A rich Brazilian, Mendoza, visited Paris in 1900 and was romantically involved with the star of Offenbach's 'La vie parisienne' which was playing at...
A rich Brazilian, Mendoza, visited Paris in 1900 and was romantically involved with the star of Offenbach's 'La vie parisienne' which was playing at...
A rich Brazilian, Mendoza, visited Paris in 1900 and was romantically involved with the star of Offenbach's 'La vie parisienne' which was playing at...
A rich Brazilian, Mendoza, visited Paris in 1900 and was romantically involved with the star of Offenbach's 'La vie parisienne' which was playing at...
A wife believes her husband has been deceiving her and decides to have some fun at his expense. After a bit of mischief, her husband, a lawyer who is...
A pair of twin girls are separated when their parents divorce. They meet again by accident when they are both sent to the same Summer camp, and while...
A pair of twin girls are separated when their parents divorce. They meet again by accident when they are both sent to the same Summer camp, and while...
A pair of twin girls are separated when their parents divorce. They meet again by accident when they are both sent to the same Summer camp, and while...