While defending his tribe from a bloodthirsty enemy tribe, a Native American warrior named Turok finds himself in a prehistoric dinosaur world along...
Twenty-five long years after his time in the limelight, former child actor Cody Lightning tries to revive his fortunes with a self-produced sequel to...
The truth of the past come to light in a series of haunting visions in this drama. The strange visions grow more vivid with each passing day, a young...
A Navajo shaman is the prime suspect in a murder case in this drama from PBS. But as Officer Jim Chee investigates the case he discovers some unusual...
Unable to cope with his military father's sudden death in combat, quick-tempered teen, Conor, starts getting into serious trouble. During an intense...
Donna May is a grief counselor who suddenly finds herself grieving and alone after the hit-and-run death of her husband, Robert. Soon after Robert's...
A young woman follows a mysterious melody onto a remote tidal island. When she crosses back over at the next low tide, she emerges into a world where...
Bryce has been a crook since he was a kid in the projects. After a violent turn of events he's finally got a shot at the big time. Tony De Luca, one...
Against a backdrop of clashing cultures, John Myron and Angela Wilson find each other and over the years form a powerful bond. One tragic night, John...
Four unemployed, uninspired, life loving 20-something guys decide to turn their backs on society and hit the road in the world's slowest little bus,...
After a run-in with the law, an angry maladjusted young man starts calling himself "Hate". One night he saves a girl from a lusty Assistant District...
Jesse Threebears is a troubled Native-American teen who has been tossed from one foster home to the next since his mother died when he was an infant....
A young woman falls in love with a shoplifter in her family's convenience store, setting off a series of mishaps involving a lost doll, a loaded gun...
Capturing the heart of a movement that is constantly evolving is difficult. How do you capture Spirit? Defend The Sacred is a short documentary that...