Second installment of omnibus series Deka Matsuri. 10 films made under the conditions "The main character must be a female detective" "the film must...
A woman finds out her father is not her real one after her mother falls into a coma while searching for a mythical creature. She decides to meet her...
Ginko's younger brother Tetsuro, a failed comedian, is the oddball of the family. Embarrassing, loud and plain inappropriate at times causes Ginko to...
The bittersweet events in the lives of people in Hakodate, a regional city connected by a streetcar network. A laid-off man and his younger sister go...
On the outset, the Okunos seem like a normal happy family with father Tadashi and his two bright sons, genetics researcher Izumi and artsy Haru. When...
The lives of a young cop, a sanitation worker and a brooding pharmacist violently intersect on a bus that's hijacked by a suicidal political flunky,...
In Tokyo, actress Touko leaves the filming set of her latest project and comes across three people by random chance: she gives a ride to a man named...
Hitoshi Nagano, who works at an electronics store, picks up a cellphone left behind by a customer and goes about a scam. He calls the person's mother...
'Female' is comprised of five short films adapted from five novels by female authors. Directed by Shinya Tsukamoto, Tetsuo Shinohara, Ryuichi Hiroki,...
Kanao, a courtroom portrait artist, observes crimes, scandals and the decline of Japanese values without passing judgement. As he and his wife endure...
A story of 6 days with 5 people gathered around a small sparkling pool at Chiang Mai in Thailand. 4 years ago, Kyoko started to live in Thailand and...
Yoichiro Nozaki, a high-achieving office worker, collapses from an aneurysm. The doctor advises immediate surgery, but the outcome is uncertain. Even...
Yakuza Naoki Sando (Yosuke Natsuki) discovers his daughter Hiroko (Kumi Kaneko) in bed with his adopted son Kohji (Yusuke Iseya). Three years later,...
The time spent between professional Shogi player Kiriyama and his three stories helps to heal his wounds. As he prepares to secure another win in an...
Suzuki Koichi, a 30-something hikikomori shut-in, allows his mother to dotingly tend to his needs. When she discovers that Koichi has killed himself,...
A compelling human drama about the growing social problems and public responsibilities regarding the welfare and ethical treatment of neglected dogs...
Sisters "Manamo" and "Minamo" live separately in Hiroshima and London since the divorce of their parents. The elder sister Manamo lives in Hiroshima...
The series consists of four 3-episode chapters, each handled by a different director. The directors were given freedom in their stories, but they all...
At the beginning of the Showa era, there was a girl running through the town of Kochi at an incredible speed. Her name was Asada Nobu, also known as...