During the Vietnam War, Brian Anderson, a young Army medic, is stationed in Saigon. Initially apathetic and self-serving, he eventually has his heart...
Fresh out of law school, Kevan Harris is hired by her dead father's ex-partner, Frank Murchison, and immediately 'falls into bed' with him. She then...
In this American Film Institute-subsidized short subject, Fionnula Flanagan plays a sharp-tongued but compassionate nun, while Peter Lempert is cast...
During the Vietnam War, Brian Anderson, a young Army medic, is stationed in Saigon. Initially apathetic and self-serving, he eventually has his heart...
Based on the novel by the same name, We Were the Mulvaneys is a sensitive portrayal of one family's journey as they face conflict, fear, tragedy and...
In this American Film Institute-subsidized short subject, Fionnula Flanagan plays a sharp-tongued but compassionate nun, while Peter Lempert is cast...
Four friends, fresh from tragedy at Kent Sate, graduate from college and begin their adult lives during the turbulent 1970s. But Dexter (Guy Torry),...
Four friends, fresh from tragedy at Kent Sate, graduate from college and begin their adult lives during the turbulent 1970s. But Dexter (Guy Torry),...
Based on the novel by the same name, We Were the Mulvaneys is a sensitive portrayal of one family's journey as they face conflict, fear, tragedy and...
Teenage Zoe Tyler suffers from manic-depression. With a musician father who is never around life seems hard. Zoe eventually lands up in a psychiatric...
The movie follows the perspective of several characters (such as Japanese victims, soldiers, American prisoners of war and others) and how they lived...
Maggie Yearwood moves to a new town to be near her son, Peter, who has gone deaf as the result of an accident and is now attending a special school....
Christopher Millard was 14 years old when he died of cancer in 1972. Shortly before losing his battle, Chris wrote a story about a great knight named...
Christopher Millard was 14 years old when he died of cancer in 1972. Shortly before losing his battle, Chris wrote a story about a great knight named...
Christopher Millard was 14 years old when he died of cancer in 1972. Shortly before losing his battle, Chris wrote a story about a great knight named...
Philly is an American television series created by Steven Bochco that focused on criminal defense attorney Kathleen Maguire. It lasted a full season...
Detective Coyle is trying to solve several bizarre murders and is having no luck finding a suspect. But when his girlfriend turns into a werewolf and...