After her husband dies, a woman begins to have a nervous breakdown and is consoled by her younger sister. Soon, however, other members of the family...
On its maiden flight, the crew of America's first supersonic transport learns that it may not be able to land, due to an act of sabotage and a deadly...
The pilot film for the long-run series introduced the kindly small-town general practitioner who, following a mild coronary, grudgingly brings in an...
A scientist is persuaded by the government to inject himself with the brain fluid of a dying colleague in order to preserve missile-defense secrets....
An ornithologist goes on a field trip to a deserted island near the mainland with his wife and small son, and is joined by the wife's sister, who is...
A former Nazi living in Hong Kong has developed a nerve gas that he's hidden in a sewer attached to a time bomb. Police race against time to find the...
Un jeune immigrant italien qui a tout perdu dans le tremblement de terre de San Francisco en 1906 recommence et se construit un empire maritime, mais...
"Working with Orson Welles" is a low-budget production put together by Gary Graver, who worked as a cameraman for Welles in the last 15 years of his...
The Evil Touch is an Australian-produced television series, originally broadcast in Australia in 1973. It was an anthology series where each episode...
Westinghouse Desilu Playhouse is an American television anthology series produced by Desilu Productions. The show ran on CBS television between 1958...
After being shot in the line of duty, Harry Orwell was forced to retire from the San Diego Police Department. To supplement his police pension, Harry...
The Legend of Jesse James is an American western series starring Christopher Jones in the tile role of notorious outlaw Jesse James. The series aired...
Kate McShane is an American legal drama television series that aired from September 10 until November 12, 1975. Kate McShane was the first series to...
The Marriage is an American sitcom that aired on NBC from July to August 1954. The series is noted as the first prime-time network television series...
The Mike Douglas Show is an American daytime television talk show hosted by Mike Douglas that originally aired only in the Cleveland area during much...