Amidst pressures from his parents to hurry up and wed, a young man seeks his perfect match. After many failed attempts with matchmakers, his parents...
Goga and Kamal want to marry, but Kamal's grandmother opposes it. Goga prays for her death and it comes true, but then sees her ghost. Only Goga can...
Bhullar, a businessman, leads a wealthy life in the UK. When he sets out to find a match for his daughter, he has to find someone who can be trusted...
The story revolves around Gora, Sehaj and Kevin. Gora is a struggling actor while Sehaj is a single mother who lives with her son Kevin. Sehaj hires...
Jeeta, Mahinder, and Major are three old men who plan to complete their teenage bucket list. Soon, they get in trouble when police officer Randhawa,...
A down and out cop lands the case of a lifetime when four suspects are nabbed in the assassination attempt of a prime time journalist. The case turns...