Daikichi learns that his recently deceased grandfather has an illegitimate daughter with an unknown mother. The girl's name is Rin and she is just 6...
Shima (Mirei Kiritani) is a second year high school student. She has already become the youngest ever winner of a "new writer award" for poetry. Yet,...
Miki Takaraishi is a smart and beautiful 24-year-old woman, but her personality is not as good. She falls in love with Yuga Saito who is handsome and...
Seven scary true horror stories in this 15th anniversary special. The stories are: S Douzan no Onna (Woman from Copper mine S); Satoru-kun; Hannin wa...
This psychological mystery is centered around a daughter of the Kanou family, Sayoko, who is said to be a descendant of a goddess. She has a face of...