Modern-day Warsaw shines in this romantic comedy about the love life of a young, hip architect. In his break-out role, popular Polish television star...
Wojciech, who does not feel the ubiquitous joyful atmosphere, meets someone who changes his holiday plans. In turn, Karina and Szczepan get embroiled...
Centered around a group of individuals, who come to experience magical moments over the course of one day. Full of the power of family, love and the...
Events are shown from the perspective of a boy (played by Christopher Ciupa ), which surpasses the intelligence and sensitivity of others, is the one...
Anything can happen during Christmas Eve. Mel has to face new professional challenges and adapt to the new standards prevailing at work. Then Karina...
True Law is a Polish legal drama television series directed by Maciej Migas and featuring Agnieszka Dygant as the title character, Agata Przybysz. It...