The Quartzers, calling themselves the Wardens of Time, appear after Sougo Tokiwa has collected all of the Heisei Era Ride Watches. A grand conspiracy...
Kazuki Suzumoto is divorced and he lives with his 15-year-old son Kouki. Kouki is in a susceptible time. The father feels guilty about his son. Kouki...
Towa Furuya is a handsome high school student, but he has never had girlfriend. Towa and his friends get involved in various love cases taking place...
Kashiwagi Kokoro is a university student. He enjoys his campus life and has begun dating Kamijo Sayo. One day, his ex-girlfriend Omori Ringo, who is...
This dark medical drama examines the meaning of human life, centring on a team of unidentified black-market doctors who undertake any kind of surgery...
Yui Saizo is a single, 29 year old woman and works in the crime laboratory at the Takanashi Police Station as a forensics examiner. She does her job...