Taru lives with her husband and this teenage daughter Ninni. The family's life is shaken when Ninni has an accident and Ninni's biological mother and...
Everything is on track in the life of the beloved but eccentric surgeon Petteri Holopainen but when a patient close to him is rushed to the hospital,...
Force of Habit follows the lives of various women throughout one day. Hilla is having a romantic vacation, Emmi is throwing a house party, and Milja...
25-year-old Karri is stuck with his life: days at a job as a guard at a shopping mall, nights out with his friends. Then Karri meets Caasha, a Somali...
A successful thirtysomething couple find themselves at a financial dead end; they are faced with an extreme lifestyle change to pay for their debts....
Forgiven is a realistic miniseries with dense atmosphere, based on Laura Manninen's novel. 30-something strong-willed Vilma falls in love with Mikko,...