Tallinn, Estonia, days before outbreak of World War II. Hotel detective and Polish writer team up to find Tear of the Prince of Darkness, a legendary...
Irina Kupchenko stars in this psychological drama by the renowned director/writer team of Yuli Raizman and Yevgeny Gabrilovich. In the story, she is...
Based on a famous short story by Pushkin, this film tells of a youthful, innocent and pure love story that begins as a girlish joke. Liza is eager to...
Young d'Artagnan comes to Paris to be a musketeer. There, he meets three old musketeers, members of the glorious King's Guard, but actually realizes...
Moving to a new place of residence, to an old apartment in the slums of St. Petersburg, Olga and her daughter Natasha accidentally discover a letter...
The action of the movie is set in the late 11th century Constantinople during the time of the 1st Crusade. The crusaders need the help of the emperor...
Retired investigator Klimov comes with his granddaughter to his country house to rest before a complicated heart operation. In the country, he finds...
In the middle of the 17th century, Ukrainian peasants and Cossacks rose up to fight against the Polish gentry rule. About the events of the National...
Kiev. Winter of 1918-1919. The power in the city passes from the hetman to the Directorate of Ukraine, then from Petliura to the Bolsheviks. Turbins...