A young man finds out that his ex-lover has only one week left to live, and with the help of angels, he scrambles to change his fate. A love story in...
While the Japanese government is trying to crack down on international crime organizations' money laundering in tax havens, the Chief of Police's son...
Yanagi Shuji is terrible at being a monk, as he just wants to have fun all the time. His father is the Chief Monk of the Yagira Temple, and Shuji is...
Kentaro lives in the suburbs with his two little brothers. They are poor, but they are happy. The factory Kentaro works for, though, goes bankrupt on...
Yume (Asano) is a single mother raising a now teenage daughter, Haruka, by herself. She has trouble trusting men, as Haruka's real father Kunio left...
Yoshino Hikari is a young woman with a bright and friendly personality. She quits her job working at a credit association in her hometown in order to...
Sharaku Homonji is the eldest son of a distinguished family who has studied crime for generations. The eldest son from the Homonji family has tested...
"Humanience" - a fusion of "Human" and "Science" - is an educational program that delves deep into the enigmatic aspects of humanity, unraveling its...
A popular manga about a corporate auditor of a major bank is adapted for the screen starring Yuji Oda, one of Japan's favorite actors. With a strong...
Inspired by American TV movies like "Hitchcock Theater" and "The Twilight Zone," the show features multiple works with Tamori as the storyteller and...