In the time of the peaceful Toyotomi Era, Shinotada, the master of Kochi Family, a source of revenue for the Tokugawa, is trying to marry his younger...
Kamen Rider Ryuki: 20th Anniversary Alumni Talk Event
20 years since the shocking final episode aired on January 19, 2003...On January 19, 2023, the anniversary of the final episode, a gorgeous cast will...
Shun Kosaka has a dream of becoming a novelist and lives in a byte at convenience stores at night. He happened to meet Natsuki, and his life began to...
The story takes place in an unnamed Japanese city, and follows five students at Shinyo Academy as they try to piece together the puzzle of a new drug...
Set in war-torn feudal Japan, the Iga ninja make a final stand as the overwhelming armies of Warlord Oda Nobunaga and the deadly Koga ninja approach....
After the battle against Zogu was over, both Gamu and Fujimiya began to live normal lives until another threat arrives on Earth - a surviving monster...
Chaejin works as a tour guide in Shin-Okubo while nurturing showbiz dreams. Meanwhile, talent agent Utako tries to think of ways to promote idols Gun...