The story revolves around a Spring, a hitman from mainland China who is on a mission in Hong Kong with his partner Setting Sun. However, Spring falls...
Fai is a 39-year old lighting electrician. Married with a 3-year old daughter, Fai is no longer in love with his wife who seems more capable and more...
Roast Pork joins the triad as a young man and ends up becoming a trusted lieutenant of boss Kerosene. However, his true passion is in his successful...
Faced with early retirement and difficulty recruiting, Stone is forced to lower his standard of acceptance. When a vicious, military-trained group of...
Faced with early retirement and difficulty recruiting, Stone is forced to lower his standard of acceptance. When a vicious, military-trained group of...
Faced with early retirement and difficulty recruiting, Stone is forced to lower his standard of acceptance. When a vicious, military-trained group of...
Roast Pork joins the triad as a young man and ends up becoming a trusted lieutenant of boss Kerosene. However, his true passion is in his successful...
Roast Pork joins the triad as a young man and ends up becoming a trusted lieutenant of boss Kerosene. However, his true passion is in his successful...
Roast Pork joins the triad as a young man and ends up becoming a trusted lieutenant of boss Kerosene. However, his true passion is in his successful...