Abandoned by love, a young physicist uses his time machine, made to initially generate clean energy, to travel back in time. Unbeknownst to him, his...
Ali and Fatimah are frustrated with their younger brother, Mat Arip, when he fails to come home with the grant of their inherited land. Ali will have...
LOG LINE : When a non-believer in the existence of ghost and the supernatural comes in contact with a vengeful ghost, all hell is let loose when both...
Directed by Faisal Ishak, the film is the sequel to the first "Juvana", it focuses more outside of school ground as Daim and the gang have graduated...
Tells the life journey of Tapa who migrated from his original village to Kampung Bukit Setugal. There, Tapa, known as Pak Lebai, tried to spread the...
Sam wants to live a normal happy life with his girlfriend and soon-to-be wife Lisa. However, Lisa is desired by many, among which includes a mentally...