After receiving a large sum of money on his bank account by mistake, a small-town thirtysomething dissatisfied with his life sees the opportunity of...
Lorenza is 30 years old and has not yet found the man of her life. Not wanting to be alone, she decides to take the penniless Riccardo as her husband...
At the end of the seventies the Red Brigades are plotting a new target to hit, the president of the Christian Democrats Aldo Moro. On 16 March 1978,...
Angela is a dedicated and sensitive carer. She is a widow. Her husband, as many other workers in the area, died from asbestos-related diseases. When...
Deux adolescentes veulent profiter de tous les avantages offerts par leur fortune.Elena, Michela et Alice, 17 ans, ont grandi dans le milieu cossu de...
Rosaria is a southerner who lives in Turin. Alone and with many sacrifices she raised three children, the youngest of whom, restless and rebellious,...