Moodori is a small village in the mountainous province of Gangwando South Korea. The village revolves around three elderly men named Bong-Gi, Hae-Gu...
Erick Ju, who is wanted internationally as a serious criminal, goes missing after undergoing a face-changing operation and using black magic to wipe...
Old age is an inevitable future for every human being. But these four old men are not willing to succumb to time or the younger generations; they are...
Chun Dalsoo, a scoundrel who has nothing better to do, makes his living by attending military exercises in place of his friends. One day, he goes to...
Adam fails in the college-entrance exam but he tries again for next year. His age if 19 What he wants to have are a typewriter, a Mook picture book a...
Cho Eun-ja is the president of Club LaLa, which has been a family business for three generations. It used to be a very popular club but not anymore....
A North Korean spy named Lee Chul-jin infiltrates the eastern coast of South Korea. His mission is to steal a Super Pig DNA sample which can be used...
During the Japanese control of Korea during WWII and before, they used Korea women as prostitutes for their Military Officers and Korean men as grunt...
A drama that draws the love of Ki Woon Chan, a high school-graduate struggling to find a job and Na Moo Goong Hwa, the only daughter of an amazingly...
A stepmother takes revenge on four spoiled brothers. The father feels betrayed by his sons who are always after his money. This twisted family shows...
Iron Family depicts warm love and fierce conflict between family members and provides an opportunity to reflect on the meaning of 'family' in modern...