The film tells the story of a faithful wife, Arlisa (Nora Danish), whose blissful life is shattered when her husband Johan (Adi Putra) is involved in...
Qesya already in love with Iskandar for 5 years. Qesya wants Iskandar thinks about their future. Their relationship is strong and Qesya wantS to tie...
Syifa dreams of a beautiful and vibrant wedding since childhood. After her meeting with Amar, her lover, at the reception strengthens Syifa's spirit...
Joe, Faiz, Tania and Kila are a group of medical students who are undergoing practical training in a hospital. They are given a task to carry out an...
Bella is a part-time model who becomes famous after posing for the cover page of Reza`s latest magazine. At their first meeting, they fall in love at...
Because of his dreams of modeling, Aira willingly swallows every temperament and warmth of Jemy. However, without realizing every quarrel gave birth...